Greetings, Jerusalem is the city of the King of kings and Lord of Lords. It is also a city where 'ALL NATIONS CONVOCATION JERUSALEM' meetings are annually held. By the grace of God I was able to experience and see this wonderful world event with my own eyes last year. During this two-week experience God drew me closer to Him than ever before. Furthermore, I was once again able to learn His truths in a deeper way. I even heard a pastor say that two weeks spent at a conference like this one equal to two years spent in a Bible school. Israel was truly an eye-opener to my spiritual sight. Getting to know my Savior in the very same place where He used to walk two thousand years ago helped me understand a lot. The meetings where God's plans for Israel and the whole world were being explained were held everyday. Besides many gifts and visions that were being poured out during this time, the Spirit of God was also working on an international level. One hundred and sixty nations that were represented spent hours and hours on their knees confessing the sins of their people and asking God for mercy for their countries. However, that was just the beginning! The prayer chain that was started continues and will continue in the future. From within our 10 person Slovak group I was the youngest. The average age of the people present was about 40 years. This is also why the leaders and younger leaders-to-become were strongly encouraged to pray that more representatives of the 'Joshua's generation' could attend this conference in the future. The 'ALL NATIONS CONVOCATION JERUSALEM' is going to be held again this year. The date was set for September the 15th until September the 29th. The Lord gave me a desire to once again be a part of this powerful prayer meeting (this year is the tenth anniversary of this event). I also feel a burden to take a group of young people that desire to pray and worship their Lord in 'the city of the King.' I am convinced that this will change not only their personal life with Christ but also the life of our whole nation. I am looking for people that would be willing to support these young people and help their dream of standing in the gap for our nation in Jerusalem come true. I believe that a nation that prays is blessed. Furthermore, this is a great opportunity to stand before the throne of God in unity with many other nations. This letter was written on behalf of a several young people longing to join me on my trip to Jerusalem. Shall it be your desire to help us in this matter, I would first ask you to pray for us young people. Pray that we would continue to walk by faith with great courage and passion. Secondly, since we are not able to pay for all the expenses ourselves, I am asking you to help us financially. Just the plane ticket will cost us 10 000,- Sk per person. The conference in itself will cost us another 20 000,- Sk. (this includes accomodation, food, tour of Jerusalem) If you can help us out by giving even as much as 50,- Sk it would be greatly appreciated. Please make your donations to OZ Koráb, which is a sub-account of the Apostolic Church - AC-BA. The account number is 40 900248 04 / 3100. The variable symbol is 92004. May the Lord repay you for your support. With love Barbora Blahová